8 August 2022: Drought Deepens

The drought is getting worse. We’re now in Severe Drought, and the 1/2 inch of rain we received in yesterday’s squall, though welcome, actually did little to ease the dry conditions. A month ago we were in Moderate Drought (see: 8 July 2022: Moderate Drought). It’s only gotten worse. We’re supposed to get another 1/4 to 1/2 inch in the next couple of days but as welcome as it is, it won’t do much to relieve the extreme dry conditions; we need an extended period of slow soaking rains to replenish ground water supplies and relieve the parched earth. See Drought.gov for more information.

2 thoughts on “8 August 2022: Drought Deepens

  1. Ronnie Spann

    Wish I could send you some rain from Louisiana. We get rain every day, so much that it’s hard to find a day when you can mow your yard!

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