03 August 2022: Membership Update

Dave Knight and friends in the flagship of the Clary Lake Association during the Clary Lake Fourth of July parade. Photo CLA member by Donna Roeckel

Sometime around midsummer I like to provide a Membership update, to let people know where we stand and to gently remind people to send in their dues if they’ve forgotten! As for where we stand, we’ve got 129 people signed up for the upcoming membership year so far which puts us 73% of the way towards meeting our 2022/2023 Membership goal of 175. I guess that’s more or less where we should be this time of year. Of that 129 members, 18 are new to the Clary Lake Association. I find it very gratifying that we’re still attracting new members!  After all, if you care about Clary Lake and appreciate having a lake full of clean water where you can swim, boat, and fish, you should support the Clary Lake Association! You’ll find plenty of reasons on our Benefits of Membership page.

Since we started mailing out dues envelopes with the summer newsletter, more and more people have been signing up earlier in the summer, which we love, though many people still wait to pay their dues at the Annual Meeting, which is OK too. If that’s your plan, that’s fine! Many people are now choosing to use our Paypal gateway to pay their dues online. That’s fast and easy. See our Signup or Renew Your Membership On Line page if you want to join or renew that way.

This year our Annual Meeting will be held at the Clary Lake dam on Saturday August 27th at 2PM. I hope you can join us. We’ll also have the raffle drawing at that meeting too! Proceeds from the raffle ticket sales are headed for our Dam Repair fund. If you haven’t gotten any raffle tickets yet, send email to ticketsales@clarylake.org and someone will get back to you. You can also simply pay for them via Paypal using this handy button and we’ll mail you your tickets: