21 April 2018: CLA Fundraising Campaign Extended

We reached our initial Phase 1 fundraising goal of $90,000 much sooner than expected and while the Board hadn’t discussed trying to raise additional funds for permanent repairs so soon, it only makes sense that we maintain our forward fundraising momentum and move right into Phase 2 fundraising without delay! We needed the initial funds to purchase the dam in a relative hurry, however Phase 2 fundraising can proceed at a somewhat more leisurely pace. The money is to pay for engineering services and for permanent dam repairs which we won’t need to spend for a while. We have only begun working on getting prices and we won’t have a firm budget for the work yet. However, some preliminary estimates we’ve received indicate we’ll need at least $30,000 for this second and final phase of effort, possibly more, hence a new fundraising goal of $125,000. We may need to revise that figure upward but for now it seems like both a realistic goal and an achievable one. I haven’t felt the need to reset our donation thermometer and have instead just added $35,000 to the original $90,000 goal giving a new goal of $125,000. The money all goes into the same pot, so to speak. Any money left over after permanent repairs are completed will be use to fund ongoing dam maintenance and repairs. Owning the Clary Lake dam is a big commitment and we’re taking it seriously.

Also, with higher stable water levels coming, we’d like to finally make good on our plan to install several dry hydrants around the lake. We’ve been talking about this for a few years now, but with the lake level so low it didn’t make sense to install hydrants. That’s all changing. Currently our plans are to put one at the Clary Lake dam and one by the Route 215/126 intersection. Another potential site for a dry hydrant would be over on Duncan Road. We’re hoping to get much of the materials and labor for these hydrants donated.

The availability of matching funds stopped when we reached $90,000 so for this next phase of effort, unless we can find someone willing to continue matching funds, donations will not be matched. Nonetheless, as you can see we’re already well on our way to our new goal. We do intend to seek money from various sources and by various means for this next phase of fundraising, including applying for grant money and other more traditional fundraising events. If you’d like to help out with this important and exciting effort, our Fundraising Committee could use some new blood and enthusiasm!

We’re also moving closer to finalizing our offer with the Bankruptcy Trust and hope to have something to report soon. We’re moving as fast as we can.