09 March 2013: Comet Panstarrs to put on a March show

There’s a comet in the early evening sky these days, Comet Panstarrs. It should be a binocular object. I’m going up to  Highland Cemetery this evening about sunset (5:30 pm) to see if I can spot it. The following NASA web site page has information about the comet, as well as a finder chart. You’ll need to find a location with a low western horizon because it’s faint and pretty close to the sun.

Comet Panstarrs

2 thoughts on “09 March 2013: Comet Panstarrs to put on a March show

  1. George Fergusson Post author

    Well it appears the comet was too faint to see tonight until the sun was far enough below the horizon and by that time it was too low in the sky to pick out. Will try again tomorrow, perhaps from a different location. On the 12th it will be right beside the crescent moon and will be (relatively) easy to spot.

  2. George Fergusson Post author

    Well we won’t be seeing the comet tonight with the rain storm we’re expecting. Hopefully the weather will clear later this week. I think the comet is moving away quickly so if we can’t catch a glimpse in the next 3-4 days it will be too late.

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