[UPDATED] Clary Lake Ice Out Video April 13, 2017

Here’s a video of Clary Lake ice out on April 13, 2017 made from images from Clarycam 2 and Clarycam 3. Technically the ice isn’t fully out yet, but for me from where I’m sitting it’s ALL GONE. As of this morning however, there was still quite a bit of very gray looking ice in the east end of the lake almost to the State boat launch. I fully expect it will be out before the end of the day now that the sun is getting up and the wind is picking up.

I would have included a segment from Clarycam 2 sitting down on David Hodsdon’s shore line, but it has stopped working. Too soon to say whether or when we’ll replace it, or with what. I’m actually a little disillusioned with these Foscam cameras: remote access to them is tedious, the proprietary software used to access and manage them is one step above garbage, and the browser plugin to view realtime video is no longer supported by any reputable web browser. I have only got it working by installing an Extended Support Release of Firefox. Unacceptable.

[UPDATE]: David Hodsdon has informed me that his camera is truly dead. He thinks is it still under warranty and is going to see about getting it repaired/replaced.

Incidentally, David sent me the image that I’m using as a header image on this post. He spent some time the other day waiting for just the right conditions to take the picture.

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