Our User Policy

  1. The Clary Lake Association is a community-based organization where pretty much everyone knows everyone else. We’re not interested in having anonymous users participating on our site. If you’re not willing to be identified by your real name, don’t bother signing up for an account.
  2. You do NOT have to be a Clary Lake Association member or Clary Lake shore owner to participate on this web site. Everyone is welcome.
  3. If you’ve tried to register for an account and have received errors such as “ERROR: Invalid reCAPTCHA challenge parameter.” check to see if you’re using an extension in your browser such as Ghostery or some other software to block tracking code, cookies, or javascript. We respect your right to privacy but to register you’ll likely have to disable these temporarily.
  4. You DO need to have a user account and be logged in to comment on posts on this web site. We have a Comments form allowing anonymous (and  private) comments to be sent to me.
  5. If you’re interested in further participation on the site, see our User Roles and Writing Posts page.