02 April 2014: Water Level Measurements Resumed

2 waterlevelchart_february2014I stopped making water level measurements back on February 6th as it became just too much trouble to continue the daily grind, plus I got sick and then there was the cold… and the interminable snow storms… and did I mention it was cold? Anyways, with what passes for Spring this year now apparently firmly in place and with the snow disappearing and the ice around the edges melting, I’ve resumed making water level measurements as of yesterday, April 1st. No fooling!

The lake is now about 2″ higher than it was on February 6th when I left off. Judging from the appearance of the ice around the shore, the lake spent most of the last 2 winter months hovering between 40″ and 48″ below the top of the dam even though the dam’s gate has been wide open. I don’t think the level ever fell as low as it did during the winters of 2012 and 2013 when it dropped to 5′ below the top of the dam. When I left off making level measurements I also left off keeping track of precipitation. I plan to scarf that information for the last 2 months from the Weather Underground site and update my database so we can continue to monitor monthly and yearly precipitation totals.